The Nerdy Old Men Podcast
Come join these old Nerds as they discuss all things nerd, geek, and pop culture. We have debates as well as interviewing celebrities, and industry leaders including comic shop owners, convention organizers, film makers and cosplayers to name a few.
The Nerdy Old Men Podcast
Season 3 Episode 19 Nirvana Comics Knoxville with Grant and Jasmine the Real Boss
Season 3 Episode 19 "Nirvana Comics Knoxville with Grant and Jazz the Real Boss". We return to Nirvana Comics in Knoxville Tennessee to talk to the two of the co-owners. Married couple Grant and Jasmine Mitchell. They tell us what it’s like to run a comic shop as a married couple. How their love of nerd stuff is a couple’s bonding experience. Jasmine talks about what it is like to navigate a formerly male hobby as a female. Enjoy the laughs from one of the friendliest comics shops around. As they say at Nirvana “there is a book for everyone”.
Today’s episode was sponsored by: Smoky Mountain Collector’s Showcase (March 4, 2023 Pigeon Forge, TN) https://www.facebook.com/smokymtncollectorsshowcase/
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