The Nerdy Old Men Podcast
Come join these old Nerds as they discuss all things nerd, geek, and pop culture. We have debates as well as interviewing celebrities, and industry leaders including comic shop owners, convention organizers, film makers and cosplayers to name a few.
The Nerdy Old Men Podcast
Season 4 Episode 11 Miniature painting with Mitch Cahoon
Season 4 Episode 11 “Miniature painting with Mitch Cahoon” Today we talk with one of the best mini painters we know. Mitch Cahoon is a miniature war gaming player and recent full time commission painter. Mitch talks about how to get started in mini painting and some of his professional tips. We subject him to the rapid-fire questions and Wes tries to figure out how to reactivate 30 year old paint. All this and more on this week’s episode.
Find Mitch’s work and hire him at:
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